Welcome to CS684: Embedded Systems Labs!

Instructors: Prof. Kavi Arya and Prof. Paritosh Pandya

Course Details:

  • Lecture Slot: 10
  • Lecture Venue: LC 101
  • Lecture Days: Tuesday and Friday
    (14:00 to 15:25)
  • Instructor office hours: Please send an email
    to fix up a time


  1. Rutuja Ekatpure
  2. Suman Panda
  3. Manas Jhalani

Lab Staff:

  1. Ruchi Sharma
  2. Shyama H
  3. Siddharth Kulkarni
  4. Jerish Singh

Course Outline:

Theory: Practical:
  • Introduction: Embedded Systems
  • Applications (Digital Camera)
  • General Structure of Cyber Systems
  • Model Based Design
    • Introduction to FSM
    • State Charts
    • Lustre/Heptagon
  • LUSTRE/Heptagon
    • Synchronous Dataflow Programming
    • Higher Order Functions
    • Uni-Mode Controllers
    • Multi-Mode Controllers
    • Finite State Automaton
    • Concurrent Automata
  • Embedded System Device Drivers
    • Input/Output device Interfacing and Masking
    • Motor Interfacing and PWM
    • ADC Interfacing
    • White Line Following using PID Controller
  • Real Time Operating System
    • Introduction
    • Scheduling Theory


  • Software
    • Lustre/Heptagon
  • Model Based Design
    • Finite State Machine
    • Statechart
    • Lustre/Heptagon
  • Basic Peripherals:
    • Introduction to AVR Controller
    • GPIO, Motor Interfacing, PWM and ADC
  • Adaptive Cruise Control - case study
    • using Embedded C programming
    • using Lustre/Heptagon
    • using Statechart
  • RTOS

Grading Policy:[Tentative]

  • Quizzes : 5%
  • Assignments: 20%
  • Labs : 20%
  • Project : 25%
  • Midsem : 20%
  • Endsem : 10%

Lecture Schedule:[Tentative]

DateLecture TopicQuizLecture Slides
Jan 05Course Prelude, Introduction-Intro
Jan 09NRE Cost and Software Engineering Issues-Diversity & Cost
Jan 12Embedded Systems Applications (Digital Camera)-Applications of ES
Jan 16Embedded Systems Applications (Digital Camera)-FSM
Jan 19Model Based Design (Intro + FSM)-Statecharts
Jan 23Reactive Kernel-Cyber Physical Systems
Jan 30Model-Based Design (LUSTRE)-Synchronous Dataflow Programming
Feb 02Model-Based Design (LUSTRE)-Array, Map, Fold
Feb 06Model-Based Design (LUSTRE)-Uni-Mode & Multi-Mode Controllers
Feb 09Model-Based Design (LUSTRE)Quiz 2No Slides
Feb 13Model-Based Design (LUSTRE)-Multi-Mode Controllers
Feb 16Model-Based Design (LUSTRE)-Finite-State Automata
Feb 20Model-Based Design (LUSTRE)-No Slides
Feb 23 - March2ndmidsem--
March 05 - 12White Line Following - PID Control--
March 15Scheduling Theory-Schedulig Theory
March 19Scheduling Theory-Schedulig Theory
March 22Scheduling Theory-
March 26Scheduling TheoryQuiz 3
April 02 - 5Project Presentations (mid)-
April 12Project Doubt clearing-
April 16 - 19Project Presentations (end)-
April 22 - May 2Endsem-