CS684: Embedded System Course

Assignment 1B: Reactive Kernel


  • Before starting this assignment, go through the resources provided on Reactive Kernel Resources
  • Inspect and analyze the C codes, both written by hand and synthesized.


  • Download the Assignment-1B.tar.gz file. Extract the file using command tar -xzvf Assignment-1B.tar.gz

  • You will find following directory structure:

  • Write reactive kernel for finding:

    1. Mean
    2. Variance
    3. Moving Average filter
  1. Mean: At each step, input is a single integer x. Mean has to be found for a sequence of x’s seen so far. Following is the expected output:
  • For compiling and running the program follow these steps:
cd </path/to/mean>
gcc -c mean.c
gcc -c main.c
gcc -o mean main.o mean.o
  1. Variance: At each step, input is a single integer x. Mean and Variance has to be found for a sequence of x’s seen so far.

Hint: You need to remember the number of steps, mean and mean of x^2, and update it at each step. Following is the expected output:

  • Variance
  1. Moving Average: At each step, input is a single integer x. Moving average has to be found for a sequence of x’s seen so far.

Note: Your output should be exactly same as expected output including variables name as it will be autoevaluated.

Submission Instructions:

  • Complete the necessary files given in the folder.
  • Compress both the folders (Assignment-1A and Assignment-1B) in a .tar.gz file and provide the name as <Roll_NO>_Assignment_1.tar.gz.
  • Submit it on moodle

Note: Make sure you have removed all the print statements from the file except the lines wihich prints mean and variance. Else your submission will not be evaluated.