CS684: Embedded System Course

Assignment 1A: Statechart Implementation


  • Draw a statechart for the elevator mechanism.
  • While designing the statechart following specifications need to be considered:
    • The number of floors in building are 3.
    • There are two lifts (side by side) to service the sequence of requests. (these lifts coordinate together in servicing requests)
    • Safe opening and closing of door functionality should be added.
    • Requests should be handled from inside of the elevators as well as from outside.


To model the above statechart, we recommend you use the Yakindu Statechart Editor. The link for this editor is here:

Download page: Yakindu Download Page Documentation: Yakindu Documentation


You can use online statechart editor: Stately

Tutorial for Statechart:

Submission Instructions:

Create a folder named Assignment-1A.

Folder should contain following:

  • .ysc file: source file of Yakindu.
  • Readme.txt file:
    • Link of the statechart (in case you are using online statechart editor)
    • Information about the startergy used, assumptions made and description about the statechart, inputs used for simulation and outputs obtained in a tabular form.
    • Also add youtube link of the video - shoot the screen recording of the simulation of statechart in Yakindu for atleast 20 steps with different input combinations.